Q. Is this trading manual for beginners?

A. No, there are three groups of traders who will see the most benefit from purchasing this manual:

  1. Persons who have already acquired Bitcoin and perhaps have attempted trading Bitcoin without success.

  2. Persons who have acquired Bitcoin and have not traded Bitcoin but have traded other items before such as stocks, futures, or options.

  3. Persons who have traded other items before but have not been introduced to Bitcoin.

This is a manual for persons who have some previous trading experience. It is not a day trading for dummies or a beginner’s trading manual.

Q. How does the consultation work?

A. To schedule consulting you must first have purchased and read the Pro Bitcoin Trading Manual. Then send an email to consulting@probitcointrading.com with at least two dates and times within the next few days that you are available. You must also provide a telephone number. When your time is confirmed, you will be sent an email with a Bitcoin payment address. After payment verification, at your selected time, you will be called at the number you provided. You should be prepared with a computer connected to the internet at the time of the call. This will not work on a smart phone or a tablet. Also, you will need 2 hours of uninterrupted time. Finally, we can only conduct the consulting in English at this time.

Q. I purchased the manual and then decided not to trade. Can I get a refund?

A. Due to the nature of providing information as a business model, unfortunately there are no refunds.

Q. Can you answer my personal trading questions and give me advice on my trading positions?

A. Unfortunately, no. Currently we do not have the resources to help each individual investor with their own portfolios. Please meet with a financial adviser for investment consultations.

Q. Do you advise what size to trade, or how much money to invest?

A. Unfortunately, no. Each individual will make their own decisions for trading size. There are large investors who follow our strategies, as well as small mom & pop investors. Bitcoin can be traded to the micro Bitcoin amount; however most exchanges set a minimum trade size, usually .01 BTC. The strategies themselves are not dependent upon the size of the trade but the smaller the amount you trade, the smaller profit you will realize. Please choose your own size for our trade strategies.

Q. Do you guarantee I will make money trading?

A. We cannot guarantee profits. Our experience in trading the S&P’s and other markets gives us the knowledge to transfer to you. The manual does not bombard the reader with dozens of strategies which may or may not work. This manual only focuses on Bitcoin day trading strategies that work

Q. Will you guarantee that I won’t lose money trading Bitcoin?

A. Yes certainly; simply don’t trade Bitcoin. But seriously, of course not! While we do our best to keep from losing money, we do have occasional losses. Losses although infrequent, are unavoidable. As long as the losses are smaller than our profits, we will be fine. Professional traders understand that losses are a part of the territory. We learn valuable lessons from our losses. In this manual we teach you methods to minimize any potential losses.

Q. Because it seems you have many followers, is there risk in lower strategy effectiveness due to trade crowding?

A. All trading strategies suffer in effectiveness when too many traders utilize the methods. We too are traders and do not wish to damage our own results. We have made a decision to limit the number of manuals sold to a maximum of 1000. We do not believe this number of traders will have a significant impact on the overall Bitcoin trading landscape as average global trading volume in Bitcoin is over 500,000 BTC / day.

Q. What do I need to begin trading?

A. First, you need to purchase and study the Pro Bitcoin Trading Manual. Then you need at least one Bitcoin trading account. It can be set up in minutes; then fund your account either with Bitcoin, cash, or both. Next you will need a charting program or charting application. The manual provides several options. You need the right attitude. You must treat trading as the noble profession that it is. It is not a game. Finally you need to be serious about the study of the markets and to be genuinely afraid of losing money.

If you have any additional questions please contact support@probitcointrading.com.